How to improve our rough cut
When presenting our rough cut edit to the rest of the class they gave us some positive feedback such as a good variety of shots. However they also told us that we needed to improve both our sound and our main title. Our sound so far consists of continuous music which seems fine, as well as sound stings which we need more of and to improve the timing of. They are significant as they emphasise the fast sequences of shots; creating a greater impact. Also they told us we made need a voice over or maybe some more dialogue, to help with narrative exposition and also to create a break in the music. The music at the end of our trailer is too sudden so we need to make it gradually more dramatic towards the end instead. The font for our main title needs to be changed as it does not fit with the themes in our trailer or conventions of the horror/thriller genre.
Adding a few more shots to estbalish the narrative is further needed, for example, shot of newspaper clipping and flashback of us at school laughing. Also a scary voice to do the voicover the titles to also establish the narrative further. However feedback was highly positive and many key features of our trailer was liked such as effects, flashes and sound stings. By changing these I believe our production will dramatically improve and obtain a high grade.
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