Thursday 20 September 2012

Planning- Genre, Themes and Audience Appeal

The genre of our trailer is horror; we have chosen this genre as we believe we can make it look more realistic than the other genres, it will look more effective as it can be easily obtained by the use of props and makeup. Making good use of Mis-en-scene will highlight the genre and this is key in common horror trailers. For example, shots of blood, weapons, violence and terror. We will be including the traditional tension building music and the use of unnerving sound effects, as these are key in building the suspense and tension with the audience. Also we will use another traditional convention of a montage of various shots showing the violence and gore within in the film. It is showing the audience what the film includes, building a story, without showing the viewer’s everything, in effects creating enigma. We will also be using darker lighting effects and colours in the trailer to fit the genre and highlight the dark nature of horror films.

The focus of our trailer is to sell the film to our target audience; we will do this by highlighting the genre, giving a narrative point to the trailer and hooking the audience in to coming viewing the film. The trailers key point is to create enigmas with the target audience consequently making them want to view the film once it is released.  Our marketing points of out film will be the genre; we have taken a typical revenge story and made it terrifying, psychotic and gripping. The horror genre is popular and the horror target audience is always looking for new, exciting horror films which have a riveting unique selling point. The genre of a film is very important as it is appealing to a certain group of people, for example violent content would appeal to males preferably over females. So creating a unique selling point will broaden your appeal to the target audience consequently attracting more people.

Our trailer would be shown at main cinemas throughout the country, it would more than likely be shown before other horror or thriller films as this is the main target audience of our film and it will be the films they are more than likely come to watch. The target audience of our trailer is older teens+ as our synopsis contains gore and high violence and this will appeal to horror fans as the older certificate attracts them as they will think the content on the film will be really scary rather than a 15 certificate which means content has to be censored.

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